Questions You Should Ask When Hiring An Injury Lawyer

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Following a personal injury, it is essential that you seek legal advice from a lawyer. A lawyer will be able to provide you with legal advice based on the individual circumstances of your case, and they will be able to inform you about your legal rights. To speak with a specialist injury lawyer about your accident, consider contacting .

Below, we have prepared five questions which we recommend you ask your lawyer:

You need to know how experienced your lawyer is so that you can be sure that they are the right person to take your claim forward. The lawyer you speak with should ideally have processed several cases that are similar to your own. So for example, if you have been injured in a car accident, then a road traffic accident lawyer will be best-placed to help you.

You need to know how strong your claim is so that you can make an informed decision regarding whether or not to proceed with a claim. Your claim’s strength will largely be determined by how easy it is to prove negligence on behalf of the other party. Regarding this, video evidence such as CCTV footage or dash-cam footage can prove invaluable.

The main reason that you are making a claim is to get financial compensation, right? So it makes sense to ascertain how much you could claim for your accident. The amount of compensation you can claim for your accident is largely influenced by the nature of your injuries, the extent of your injuries and how your injuries have and will affect your life.

Most personal injury claims are processed on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis and you need to know the advantages and disadvantages of these agreements before making a claim. The key advantage is that there are no legal fees to pay upfront nor during the claims process; the key downside is that you may incur costs from the other side if your claim is unsuccessful.

After reviewing your case, an experienced lawyer will be able to offer you an estimated timeframe for claim completion. The reality with regards to this is that some claims can be processed in as little as 6-8 weeks although some claims take over 6 months. A lot depends on the complexity of your case and who the other party is. For example, insurers are notoriously slow at processing personal injury claims because they receive so many of them.

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